Monday, February 18, 2013

Robert E. Howard Days 2013

REHupa recently announce the guest of honor at the 2013 REH Days in Cross Plains, TX.

Timothy Truman, best known for his work on Grimjack with John Ostrander. In 2006 Tim Truman took over the writing from Kurt Busiek on Dark Horse Comics Conan series.

Here are two of the graphic novel formatted Conan series I have in my personal collection that Tim Truman worked on . . .

Here is some of his work on GrimJack . . .

He was also a writer on the Star Wars series published by Dark Horse. Here is an image of the omnibus from that series . . .

I'm looking forward to meeting him and getting him to sign a few items.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

New Reading Material

Here are a few items I'm about to begin reading over the next few weeks:

While I have owned this book for several years now, this will be my first stab at getting around to reading it. I'm looking forward to these stories. I've heard nothing but good things about them, so it's now time to read them.

The above is volume 12 in the Dark Horse Conan series. I'm excited about reading this because Roy Thomas (of Marvel Comics fame; the original Conan comic book writer) is the writer on this graphic novel.

Pictured above is the latest REH: Two-Gun Raconteur journal. This journal has an original work by REH (The Diablos Trail). The issue is dedicated to Glenn Lord and the cover art is Cormac Mac Art and Wulfhere by Terry Pavlet. The journal contains articles by Jeffrey Shanks, Michael L. Peters, Rob Roehm, and there is some verse by Barbara Barrett.

Looks like I've got a load of fun reading planned for the near future. I'm chomping at the bit to get started. Cheers!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Robert E. Howard in a letter to HP Lovecraft

“My tastes are simple; I am neither erudite nor sophisticated. I prefer jazz to classical music, musical burlesque to Greek tragedy, A.Conan Doyle to Balzac, Bob Service to Santayana, a prize fight to a lecture on art. I read the pulp magazines and enjoy them. I laugh uproariously at slap stick comedy in the movies. I respect men’s religion whether I believe in it or not.”