If you are new to Howard studies, this site is a must. Even if you are old to Howard studies this site is a must. Just about every possible topic, announcement, new book or fanzine about Howard, etc. is mentioned or discussed on this site. The site also contains links to REH Publishers, REH Scholar Resources, Other REH Websites (which I am proud to say that the old URL for On an Underwood #5 is listed, hopefully the new URL will be listed soon.), and other links such as Friends of TGR, etc. are present on the site.
Having spent the afternoon reviewing all the posts, there were a few that really grabbed my attention. These are certainly worth mentioning:
Feminism and The Women in Robert E. Howard's Fiction—Part 1
This article, written by Barbara Barrett and Amy Kerr, is about how society over the centuries has viewed women, their roles, and how that differed in Howard's stories. This article has three parts and every part is a great read.
Yellow Jacket by Rob Roehm

This article is a brief but wonderful history about the Howard Payne College student newspaper and several stories authored by Howard. These stories were previously "lost" until they showed up in Vol. 4, #3 Fall 2010 REH Foundation Newsletter. Read this article by Rob and you'll get a nice history of REH's beginnings as a published writer.
Psycho Thomas Ellison Makes a Mess by Damon C. Sasser.
Along with a few others—here and here—the "Psycho" article is an attempt to respond to faulty information/posts by others who may not have their facts straight about Robert E. Howard. The faulty articles are worth reading as well, if for no other reasons than the responses given by core Howard fans who actually know what they're talking about. Misinformation about Howard, and downright lies still circulate, it's these posts and hopefully future ones that will aid in correcting the errors, at least via the internet.
Other items of note: Brian Leno offers some nice posts on Howard's favorite books and films, along with those Howard disliked. Leno's articles are well written and informative and well worth a thorough read.
Almuric—One Wild, Wild Planet by Keith Taylor
A Mysterious People by Keith Taylor
Another article by Keith Taylor reveals REH's love for history, various peoples, lands, civilizations, times, etc. This article dicusses all these things and more. Taylor brings to bear correspondence between H. P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard regarding the Etruscans (Tuscans), their Roman origins, and how they play a role in Howard's research and writing. The historical details in this article are first rate. Here is another "must-read" at Two-Gun by Keith Taylor.
I could mention a lot more but I trust that most of you who read this post will certainly take the time, if you already haven't, to read the posts at REH: Two-Gun Raconteur. Between Sasser's informative articles about new publications, new blog sites, etc., Rob Roehm's excellent "time capsules" on Howard's history, from the smallest piece of history to the more popular history, Keith Taylor's historical expositions, Brian Leno's work on Howard's influences and favorite authors/movies, and others, there's enough on this great blog to keep you busy on a hot Sunday afternoon. Cheers!
I agree wholeheartedly. I keep an eager eye out for new posts there. And now that I've discovered this blog, I'll be following it, too. :)
Hello, Steve. Thanks, and welcome!
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